This post collects my thoughts about fastq files accumlated over the years, specifically focusing on what should be included during a submission. It is not about the format of fastq files. If you are not sure about the format, you can check the Wikipedia page and this excellent paper by Cock et al. that contains very deteiled information and the history about the fastq file.

Let’s first look at what you will get from a typical Illumina sequencing experiment. The library fragments you get is like this:

The middle dark thin lines are the DNA you want to sequence. The coloured boxes represent known sequences, often called adaptors, designed by Illumina. Click here to look at the actual sequences if you are new to Illumina sequencing. The indices (i5 and i7) shown above are short unique DNA sequences, often called barcodes, that will discrimate different samples. Those allow mixing and sequencing libraries from different samples at the same time. Now let’s start the sequencing with a typical dual index pair end mode:

Step 1 is to denature the DNA, use the bottom strand as the template and add the Read 1 primer to start sequencing your DNA in the middle. This step yields a file called Read1.fastq.gz (note: striclty speaking, this is not the case, see the later section for the explanation):

Step 2 is to use the bottom strand as the template again, add the Index 1 primer that is reverse complementary to the Read 2 primer and sequence the i7 index. This step yields a file called I1.fastq.gz:

Step 3 is to perform the cluster regeneration, use the top strand as the template, add the Index 2 primer that is reverse complementary to the Read 1 primer and sequence the i5 index. This step yields a file called I2.fastq.gz:

Step 4 is to use the top strand as the template again and add the Read 2 primer to sequence the other end of your DNA. This step yields a file called Read2.fastq.gz.

The real situation is bit more complicated. You often only have one index (i7), so Step 3 is omitted. Sometimes, you only do single end sequencing, so Step 4 is omitted. In addition, the bases A, C, G, T are fluorescent signals. Those signals (images) are converted into DNA bases by a process called base calling, which is automatically done on the Illumina machine. The output you get directly from the sequencing machine is the result of the base calling step. The files are in the BCL (Binary Base Calling) format. To obtain the fastq files, you need to run the bcl2fatq program provided by Illumina to covnert the bcl file to the fastq format.

If you haven’t done that before, your sequencing core facility is probably doing those steps for you. They probably also seperate different samples for you based on the index you provide, a process called demultiplexing. Eventually, you get Read1.fastq.gz and Read2.fastq.gz per sample. Those are the actual DNA sequences you care about, and those files contain the useful information about your experiments. If you are running bcl2fastq by yourself, you may only get two, not four, fastq files per sample that are Read1.fastq.gz and Read2.fastq.gz. This is due to the default behaviour of the bcl2fastq program. To get all four fastq files, add the --create-fastq-for-index-reads flag when running bcl2fastq.

In the past, Read1.fastq.gz and Read2.fastq.gz were all we need, because all the actual information of the experiments are there. The index files (I1.fastq.gz and I2.fastq.gz) are not really useful once the demultiplexing step is done. That’s why people just submit Read1.fastq.gz and Read2.fastq.gz to a public repostory, such as ArrayExpress and GEO, when they publish their papers. However, with the ever-growing complexity of current genomic methods, especially those in the field of single cell genomics, having just two fastq files is not enough.

In single cell genomics, the words sample, index and barcode are quite vague. Therefore, we now talk about the cell barcode, a short DNA sequence that is unique to a cell. All reads that are associated with a particular cell barcode are from the same cell. In any single cell methods, the UMI, if any, are usually in either Read1.fastq.gz or Read2.fastq.gz. However, the cell barcode can be anywhere in Read1.fastq.gz, Read2.fastq.gz, I1.fastq.gz and I2.fastq.gz. Sometime, a cell barcode is defined by the combination of sequences from those fastq files, this is especially true for all the “split-pool” based methods. To deal with this, I often put N in the SampleSheet.csv, a file that is used during the bcl2fastq step, like this:

# this is an example from NextSeq

If you do that, bcl2fastq will look for literal N in your index due to a known bug of the program, and anything matching NNNNNNNN+NNNNNNNN will be written into the sample foo. Hopefully, you will have very few or no reads in foo. All the useful reads will be written into the Undetermined sample. You will get the following four files per run:


All the information is there, and you can do whatever you need from this point. For me, I like the flexible settings of STARsolo, kallisto|bustools and zUMIs etc. which allow preprocessing any methods in theory. For example, I don’t really need to specify if the experiment protocol is using 10xv123, Drop-seq or CEL-seq etc. I can use the combination of soloCBstart, soloCBlen, soloUMIstart and soloUMIlen in STARsolo to specify the locations of CB and UMI, even for future new methods. If you can’t figure out the CB and UMI locations in a method, especially in a complicated single cell method, then can I shameless advertise my scg_lib_structs repository to you 😉? Okay, I guess my real point is we need to submit all four fastq files to public repositories.